Thursday, December 11, 2008

It's official...I'm a teacher!

Well after 4 years, I finally did it! I wore the first (of many I'm sure) tacky Christmas sweaters!! And it lights up!!! Oh yes...Lights up! My kids thought I was sooo awesome!!!! Mom and I found them last year when Colony Shop was going out of business. (I have two!!!) Here it is....

This morning Rich said, "Are you jingling?" I said, "Yep and look." I showed him the lights. He said, "Oh I'm so embarrased!!!" Come on...who doesn't love a tacky Christmas sweater??? LOL!!!!


Bruce, Andrea, & Ashtyn said...

Yay!!! I LOVE tacky Christmas sweaters! It's really cute!!!

Anonymous said...

wow. thats what I have been warning Courtney about.

Amy Barrett said...

Oh my, haley! WOW!

I bet the kids loved it!

Amy R said...

I agree with Barrett..Oh MY!! You should wear that next time we go out..but you can't sit by me if you jingle :-) Now if Courtney wears one I would take a field trip to Brookland school to take a photo of that!!!